Breakfast Challenge

We’ve all heard it before- breakfast is the most important meal of the day. According to the CDC, eating a healthy breakfast is associated with improved cognitive function, reduced absenteeism in students, and improved mood. In plain english- breakfast can help you and your family be at your best!

Try to begin your day with a variety of foods from the food groups. (See MyPlate for guidance) Aim to include a serving of fruits, vegetables, lean dairy, and whole grains. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains are high in fiber and will fuel your day by helping to keep you feeling full longer. By eating something substantial in the morning you can avoid making a bad decision at lunch just because you’re hungry.

For those of you who like eggs, try spicing them up by adding fresh herbs or boiling eggs ahead of time for quick fuel on the go.  Cereal can be a good choice to start your day. Make it a better one by using low fat milk, adding fresh fruit, and making sure sugar is not near the top of the ingredient list. Whatever you like, challenge yourself to eat breakfast every day this week. It’s a healthy habit worth developing.

And now some words of breakfast wisdom from local Chef and biochemist Susan Braddock:

When you shop for oatmeal please look for Steel Cut Oatmeal, not Rolled Oats most certainly not the kind in the bags that is instant.  That’s just wrong and bad; it removes all the nutrients and adds too much sugar.  You can make a ton at a time and it lasts for 2 weeks in your fridge. Add a bit of your favorite milk – almond, soy, whatever.  Add a bit of Greek yogurt to give you a little extra protein.  Or not.  I’m not the Food Police.   Oatmeal contains a super fiber called beta-glucan, which removes cholesterol from your digestive system that would otherwise end up in the bloodstream and antioxidants that prevents free radicals from damaging LDL.   Whole grains provide a steady state blood level, which means you get your energy longer and in a more even way through the day.

Ingredients: (Makes 3 cups and it’s easy to double this recipe)

  •       2 cups of Almond or Soy Milk, Vanilla unsweetened
  •       1 cup of Coconut Milk
  •       ¼ teaspoon of salt
  •       1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  •       1 cup of Steel Cut Oats
  •       1 Tablespoon of Honey



Bring all ingredients to a soft boil, turn down the heat and let simmer about 20 minutes or until done to your taste.  Add more water or Almond Milk if needed.  Keeps in the fridge for 2 weeks.


Release Date:
September 12th, 2017