Giving Away Exercise

I have been at a lot of events this week on behalf of FitWorth telling people about our community wellness programming. When I’m at a health fair I have about 30 seconds to give our pitch before they take a water bottle and toddle off to the next booth. I usually tie our messaging in with whatever I am giving away. This week the swag was water bottles and vegetable seed pods. The connection here was easy- drink more water and increase your fruit and vegetable consumption by using our water bottle and growing your own vegetables at home. Because we have not yet partnered with a shoe company- it’s a little harder to tie physical activity into a health fair give away. So, for all of you who didn’t get the message from me this week, here is what you need to know about getting active.

It is essential that people avoid inactivity and any amount of activity is better than none at all.  For health benefits adults need to be active for at least 2 hours and 30 minutes per week at a moderate intensity. Moderate intensity would be like a brisk walk. An easy way to remember this is to shoot for 30 minutes of physical activity per day. For those math whizzes out there, yes, this is more than the daily recommended amount. However, this is an instance where if a little is good, more is better. Mix up the kinds movement you participate in- go for a walk, bike ride, or do muscular strengthening exercise during the week. These guidelines are different for children, who need at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity.

Looking for a place to kick off activity this weekend? Join FitWorth and Mayor Price at her walking town hall series. We have a walk on October 7th at 9am and a Spooky Bike Ride on 10/28 at Walsh.

Release Date:
October 6th, 2017