Is cheese good for us?

I read an interesting article today with an eye catching headline: Is Cheese Good for Us? Like many people, I try my best to do the right thing when it comes to nutrition. The last word I heard on the matter was no, cheese is not a food we should be consuming in great quantities. Had something changed?

No, not really, I had simply fallen victim to a clickbait headline. (If you’re paying attention you’ll see i’ve done the same thing to you.) Tricks aside, let’s take the time to remember why cheese is best eaten in moderation. Cheese is still high in saturated fat, which can raise LDL cholesterol levels (the bad one). The suggested serving size for cheese is equivalent to the size of 4 game dice. Because it is easy to inadvertently consume more than one serving in a sitting, it can be easy to eat more calories than we intend to. Some kinds of cheese are also high in sodium which can put people at further risk of developing heart disease. While cheese does contain calcium and other nutrients, it is important not to overindulge. In general it is best to avoid foods that are high in added sugars, fats, and sodium.

So what’s the take-away here? It is best to think of cheese as a garnish or flavor enhancer rather than the foundation of a meal.

Release Date:
September 26th, 2017