Sitting is the New Smoking!

Sitting is the new smoking! The folks over in Fort Worth ISD Health and PE department have been telling people this for years and it may well be true. In addition to the expected side effects of inactivity like weight gain and an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, long periods of inactivity have also been linked to an increased risk in certain kinds of cancers.  Sitting for periods of two hours or more put people at an even higher risk. Even more startling, is the news that harmful effects of sitting all day can’t be reversed by your afternoon workout. A study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology found that the time spent sitting was independently linked with increased chance of death, regardless of physical activity level.  The solution is to adopt a lifestyle change that includes movement throughout the day.  

The CDC recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per week to see health benefits. MVPA looks like taking a brisk walk, and aim for 30 minutes per day. Don’t think you need to get all of your physical activity all at one time during the day either. Spreading the time you spend being active throughout the day will help you see the same healthy benefits. Just make sure that you are moving for at least 10 minutes at a time when counting time towards your daily activity.  

Going for a bike ride or a walk in your neighborhood is a great way to get your daily activity minutes. Fort Worth is extremely lucky to have so many resources for getting your physical activity- hop on the Trinity Trails or find a free activity class at The Trailhead.

Release Date:
September 14th, 2017